HTTP Request

Get, put or post data to an external HTTP endpoint.

Default config

  "type": "http",
  "method": "get",
  "endpoint": {
    "protocol": "https:",
    "host": "",
    "pathname": "/posts",
    "query": {
      "userId": 1
  "useProxy": false

Supported properties

  • method - REQUIRED - allowed values are get, put, post, and delete.

  • useProxy (boolean) (default = false) - Set to true to use a proxy. Useful for CORS. Proxy setting are set at

  • notify (boolean) (default = true) - Show a notification message if the request is successful. This message is not sent when the HTTP method is GET, but can be turned on and off for POST, PUT, and DELETE requests by using this property.

  • headers - A set of headers with header name as object key. Values are processed by JMESpath

  • endpoint - The request endpoint. Can take multiple forms. See below.

  • onError - Define an array of blocks to show when there is an error processing the HTTP request.


Default For simple requests, the endpoint can just be a simple string:

    "type": "http",
    "method": "get",
    "endpoint": "",
    "useProxy" : true

Dynamic data If the endpoint needs to be constructed from data, the endpoint can be specified as an object with a “valueGetter” attribute. “valueGetter” can only get data from the context.

    "type": "http",
    "method": "get",
    "endpoint": {
        "valueGetter": "context.saved"
  "type": "http",
  "method": "get",
  "endpoint": {
      "protocol": "https:",
      "host": "",
      "pathname": "/reports/time/tasks",
      "valueGetters": {
          "query": "{ from: context.savedData.from, to: }"

Headers For advanced use cases, the payload can be constructed using a JMES Path expression. JMESPath expressions can be used to dynamically set header and payload values. Caution: if the header value is a string, it must use two types of quotes: double and single quotes, like “payload”: “‘grant_type=client_credentials’”.

    "type": "http",
    "method": "post",
    "endpoint": {
        "protocol": "https:",
        "host": "",
        "pathname": "/api/token"
    "payload": "'grant_type=client_credentials'",
    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'",
        "Authorization": "join('', ['Basic ', btoa(join('', [data.client_id, ':', data.client_secret]))])"

GraphQL It is possible to query a GraphQL endpoint using the HTTP block.

    "type": "http",
    "method": "post",
    "notify": false,
    "endpoint": {
        "protocol": "https:",
        "host": "",
        "pathname": "/api/graphql"
    "payload": "{ query: 'query ($token: String) {  viewer(token: $token) {    allCommitments {      id      action      plannedStart      committedOn      due      committedQuantity {        numericValue        unit {          name        }      }      note      resourceClassifiedAs {        name        category      }      involves {        id        resourceClassifiedAs {          name          category        }        trackingIdentifier      }      provider {        id        name      }      receiver {        id        name      }      inputOf {        id        name      }      outputOf {        id        name      }      scope {        id        name      }      plan {        id        name      }      isPlanDeliverable      forPlanDeliverable {        id        action        outputOf {          name        }      }      isDeletable    }  }}', variables: { token: context.vfAuth } }"

onError To debug and display an error message

  "type": "http",
  "method": "get",
  "endpoint": {
        "protocol": "https:",
        "host": "",
        "pathname": "/api/token"
  "onError": {
      "blocks": [
              "type": "debug",
              "open": 1,
              "showData": true,
              "showContext": false,
              "showState": false
              "type": "card",
              "blocks": [
                      "type": "template",
                      "template": "Error with submission:<p>{{data.error.error}} - {{data.error.error_description}}</p>"


If a HTTP API returns paginated results with a standard link header, to fetch paginated API results, set the followPaginationLinksMerged option to true. This will fetch all pages of results and return the combined set of results from all the pages.

With a proxy: ```json {

“type”: “http”, “method”: “GET”, “endpoint”: “”, “useProxy”: true, “followPaginationLinksMerged”: true
