Adapter Info

The Adapter info block is used to read adapter configurations within workflows and get information on which adapters are enabled.

There are two versions of this block adapter-list produces a full list of adapter metadata, whereas adapter-info is used to query for information on a specific adapter. The block config should include adapterName to specify which adapter info is loaded, or adapterNameGetter can be set using a JMES Path expression to query the name of the adapter to fetch from either the block input data or workflow context.


This example is taken from one of the core workflows where the adapter info block is used to create a list of all the enabled adapters:

  "type": "adapter-list"

This example is also from a core workflow, and shows how to load information about a specific adapter:

  "type": "adapter-info",
  "adapterNameGetter": "context.queryParams.adapterName"

Packaged Adapters

To access all flows and config related to an adapter, it is possible to request the entire “packaged adapter”. With this option set, the adapter will include an “attachments” section, containing the source of all flows, schemas, forms and config.

  "type": "adapter-info",
  "adapterNameGetter": "context.queryParams.adapterName",
  "packagedAdapter": true