
This documentation is built using Sphinx and hosted on Read the Docs. The source code for the documentation is available within the docs folder within the main app repository.

You will find the latest version of the documentation online here. The docs are also available in PDF and ePUB formats.

Building the docs

In order to build the documentation yourself, you will first need to install some dependencies. These instructions are for bash, and should work on Linux and macOS. Assuming you have Python (and therefore, also pip) installed, the following commands will install sphinx, fetch the code, and build the docs:

pip install sphinx
git clone
cd docs
make html


Use the sphinx-autobuild command to rebuild the documentation when a change is detected, and auto-reload the browser to display the changes.

Run the following commands (from the root of the repository, or change the paths):

pip install sphinx-autobuild
sphinx-autobuild docs/ docs/_build/html

Then go to in the browser.

Investigating Block usage in saved Flows

To help improve the documentation, developers can research block usage in existing Flows that are saved to Flow Cloud, by configuring and using a Node.js script in the source repository. This script is designed to explore the configuration used for particular blocks in flows saved to Flow Cloud. It can filter by a specific config property, allowing for more targeted analysis. Modify the script to specify what property is of interest.

The script helps identify patterns or common configurations for specific block types, and assists in auditing and understanding how a particular property is being used across multiple flows. The results are output to JSON files on disk for further analysis.

The script is located at docs/extract-example-block-usage-from-flows.js in the git repository.


cd docs
node extract-example-block-usage-from-flows.js

This will run the script and output the results to a JSON file located in ‘/docs/flow-analysis’ (or where you set it to save to).